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A new breed of partner for cloud telephony, connectivity, hosting, DR and security solutions from the world’s leading Cloud Service Providers.


Tagoro demystify the global cloud market and cut through the challenges of adoption, enabling our clients to select and acquire the best cloud telephony, connectivity, hosting, DR and security solutions in a fuss-free, friendly, professional and responsive manner.


How? Working only with the world’s most capable as-a-service providers, we provide clients with market insights to develop innovative solution requirements, drive efficiency into selection processes and support clients in the adoption of the preferred cloud service.


This is Tagoro – helping organisations adopt unbeatable cloud-based technology solutions quickly, effectively and without the fuss of the past.


Tagoro have been critical in not only enabling us to select the right suppliers for these critical projects, but also invaluable in assisting us to manage the successful implementation of each.


Chief Operations Officer



Tagoro have been critical in not only enabling us to select the right suppliers for these critical projects, but also invaluable in assisting us to manage the successful implementation of each.


Chief Operations Officer



Tagoro - cloud experts partnering with world-class providers across information technology, telephony, communications and security.

Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS)


Communication for the enterprise: messaging, presence, voice, mobility, meetings -  transforming the way we work

Cloud-based Contact Centre



From one seat to 1000s, delivering a customer experience technologies fit for the digital age, no matter what your size or industry

Connectivity for the as a Service Age


Traditional circuits through to express route and the latest SD-WAN offerings. Local and global. We make connectivity happen.



for all


From intuitive self-service IaaS, to private / hybrid cloud, managed

services and co-location, our providers have compute covered 

Cloud Security for the as a Service Age


Discovery, testing, monitoring, email gateways and managed security services from the most credible cloud providers in the market

Cloud Backup & Disaster Recovery


On-premise data protection, system and site recovery, plus cloud and O365 options at fraction of cost of traditional methods


Office Address:

Tagoro Consulting Limited

917 Yeovil Rd, Slough SL1 4JG

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